Ofertas de venta
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Buck wheat
Milling oats
Our certification body is CERES Cert. Please contact us for a copy of the certificate.
We are based near Varna, Bulgaria.
Our certification body is CERES Cert. Please contact us for a copy of our certificate.
We are based near Varna, Bulgaria.
We have dehulled bulk organic spelt kernel for sale. We are have shipped our spelt berries within Ontario, throughout Canada and internationally, including the US and Europe. We mainly sell wholesale bulk quantities, by the truck load, tote or bag. We can also offer small lots of our whole spelt kernels for the individual consumer. Contact us for more information.
Spelt (Triticum spelta also called dinkel wheat, hulled wheat, farro) is an ancient cereal grain that is popular in Germany and the United Kingdom, but is gaining in popularity in Canada and the United States. This species of wheat has been in cultivation since 5000BC, and is referenced in the Old Testament, in Horace’s Satire (c. 30BC), and in Dante Aleghieri’s Divine Comedy.
We have been growing organic spelt for several years, and find that it’s popularity is growing. With good reason, not only is spelt an heirloom grain in the truest sense of the word, it is lower in gluten than wheat and barley. While not completely gluten-free, spelt is an acceptable alternative for people on low gluten diets. Spelt is also high in protein, making it a delicious and nutritious wheat alternative. Our spelt mills into a nutty, delicious flour that is a suitable substitute for wheat flour in most applications.
We also have organic soy beans (feed grade soybeans and food grade soybeans) available to ship within Ontario, Canada and internationally (including the United States and overseas).
In the past we have also had organic feed grade mixed grains for sale. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re looking for something specific. We may be able to accommodate your needs, big or small.
All of our grain is organically certified through Pro-Cert, a globally recognized third party organic certification program that is accredited by USDA National Organic Program (NOP), the CFIA’s Canada Organic Regime (COR) and the Quebec’s Committee on Accreditation for Evaluation of Quality (CAEQ), and complies with most international organic certification programs.

dehulled organic spelt
organic spelt flour
organic soybeans
The scope of our activity includes the trade of the grain of oleiferous, leguminous, papilionaceous and exotic plants.
certificate: Biocert
Flaxseed and Linseed
Certificate: Biocert

Edible seeds, Oilseeds and other commodities : Castor Beans, Chicory Cubes, Flax Seed, Groundnut, Mustard Black, Mustard Yellow, Peanuts, Psyllium, Senna Pods, Senna Leaf, Sesame Black, Sesame Seeds, Sesame Natural, Sesame Hulled, Sorghum

Our company specializes in the production, transformation, distribution and export of organic products and has a vast and diverse line of products. The experience developed allows us to offer a wide range of rice varieties, of different degrees of processing, qualities, applications and tastes. The production of varieties such as: Arroz Largo Fino, Cortos, Medianos, Carnaroli, Aromático, Glutinoso, Negro, and Largo Ancho positions us as the company in Argentina that produces the most varieties of rice, all organically.
Since 2016 we have been processing our own organic rice and legume flours, strongly promoted by the rice varieties mentioned above. Our products reach the highest international quality standards, which allows us to respond to the needs of the most demanding markets. Because we are proud of our work, we invite you to collaborate and work with Organic Latin America, a firm whose objective is to obtain optimal results in the quality of food.
Organic Long Grain Brown Rice Flour is a dry, palpable, homogeneous and cream-colored product obtained from the milling of Brown Rice. Source of fiber, protein, vitamin B and nutrients such as calcium and zinc, since it is in the whole grain where the greatest nutritional benefits are. Helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. Easy to digest, with a low glycemic index, with a slow carbohydrates absorption and a greater feeling of satiety.
Organic Long Grain Brown Rice Flour is one of the most common ingredients used in the production of gluten-free bakery and pastry products specific to people with gluten-related disorders. Also, it is softer, finer and lighter than wheat flour.